Thursday 21 January 2016

NOW OPEN: The Ultimate Travel Blogging Course

nomadic matt's blogging course
In November, I launched the beta version of my new blogging course, The Business of Blogging, and, after a few months of testing, it is now ready for prime time!

Today marks the official launch of The Business of Blogging, the blogging and business course offered by Superstar Blogging, my online media school. Stay tuned, because next month I’ll be launching photography, writing, and videography courses.)

If you’re looking to get into blogging or are an existing blogger looking to break out of that plateau and see large growth with your site, this courses features the step-by-step processes and methods I used to build my own website that will help other beginner bloggers grow their own, too. This course is a behind-the-scenes look at my blog, where I open the hood and show you exactly how it runs and how you can improve the ways you run your blog.

I know there are a lot of blogging courses out there promising to “teach you the secrets to success.” “If you take this course, you’re going to make it,” they scream.

I can’t promise you success. That depends entirely on you and your work ethic. But I can promise to provide you all the tools and smarts to build a website with the potential to be successful and leap above your peers.

There is a seemingly endless pool of travel blogs out there. Each day hundreds of people think “hey, I travel, so I’m going to start a blog and try make a living out of this.”

But, let’s be honest, most suck and fail within a few months. Whenever I go to TBEX, the annual travel blogger conference, I am always amazed at how many new faces there are… and how few returning ones I see.

Few bloggers make it past their first year. They underestimate how hard and time-consuming maintaining a quality blog is (you will spend a lot of time in front of the computer). Most give up. Many struggle on for a few years before eventually returning to the “real world” and an office job.

The common thread I see in all these failures is that most bloggers don’t spend the time honing their business skills or learning from mentors, networking outside their niche, or creating products that their audience actually wants.

They may know travel, but they don’t know how to turn that into a business.

That’s why this course is called the Business of Blogging, because unlike other travel blogging courses, I’m going to dive deep into the business skills you need to succeed.

I didn’t know anything when I started. I was just a traveler who self-taught through many failed efforts. I made mistakes. Big mistakes that cost me thousands of dollars!! But learning those lessons helped get me here to where I am today – owner of a blog with 1 million monthly visitors, $500,000 in yearly revenue, 3 employees, a best selling book, and a paid speaker at conferences. Here’s last month’s traffic:

nomadic matt's blogging course

I want to teach you how to get here too. There’s plenty of room in travel for all of us… it’s a 1 trillion dollar industry, after all! There is no reason why you can’t be successful as well.

What’s included in this course

nomadic matt's blogging course
A 3 months training program features 9 units on Design, Branding, SEO, Product Creation, Social Media, Newsletter Marketing, Writing, Setting up Your Blog, and working with companies and PR. These units are broken down into 28 lessons that range from beginner to advanced techniques only the pros use or know. By the end of this course, you know how to start your blog, create a lasting brand, write content people want to read and share, how to optimize your website and rank high in search engines, kill it on social media, and make money with your blog. The course features real world examples, screen shots, videos, and never before seen access to my own processes to get help you understand the material.

Monthly webinars – Once a month, I do an hour long webinar and discuss new techniques, strategies, and dissect in more detail the content in course. There are also Q&A sessions and featured expert guests. You also get access to all previous webinars – from the beginning! Each webinar is recorded so you can listen to it as often as you want.

Suggested business books to improve your game and take yourself to the next level. Don’t reinvent the wheel. Learn from those who have been there, done that! These books have taken my business to great places and I can’t recommend them enough to other bloggers!

Free themes – Get FREE from WooThemes or Studiopress for your website. ($80 value)

Tech Support – Our tech guru Chris will help you install your theme, troubleshoot any problems, and answer some questions as you get started on your blogging journey. He’s there to help you install and set up your blog quickly! ($200 value)

Private Facebook group for members to share tips, get advice, and network. Blogging is not done in a silo. This shortcuts your way to friends and opportunities!

PLUS get over eight hours of expert interviews! The experts below are some of the top people in their field and charge thousands of dollars for speaking gigs but they are here – as part of the course – to drop their knowledge and share how they rose to the top so you can too!

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin is the founder of, the best and largest SEO company in the world and one of the foremost authorities on search engine optimization. Rand talks to us about the secrets to ranking higher in search, getting quality links, the future of SEO, and a lot more.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Corbett Barr

Corbett Barr is one of the founders of and a leading expert on building and marketing blogs. Corbett joined me for an exclusive interview to discuss how to avoid beginner pitfalls, build long lasting relationships, and grow your audience without selling out.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Derek Halpern

Derek Halpern is the founder of and is a leading expert in psychology and marketing. We sat down to talk about advanced techniques in gaining traffic, attracting media attention, converting traffic, and how he built a 70,000 person list in 18 months.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn of discusses newsletter marketing and how to monetize your blog through affiliate marketing without being a spammer and his journey to making over $50,000 a month doing so…. simply by being an honest guy who helps people solve their problems.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Steve Kamb

Steve Kamb, superhero and founder of talks about how he built a 25,000+ person forum and a 250,000+ person mailing list through community building, contests, events, and encouraging members to interact with each other to give people a connection to something more than them.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Jodi Ettenberg

Jodi Ettenberg of and author of “The Food Traveler’s Handbook” talks to us about the power of storytelling and how bloggers can improve their writing to hook readers. She has been on The Daily Beast, CNN, The New York Times, and BBC among others.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Steve Sims

Steve Sims is the founder of Bluefish, a high end concierge service renowned for their customer service. Steve talks about how he went from a bouncer at an HK nightclub to helping get people private meetings with Sting and how customer service is the key to success for any business.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Andrew Hickey

Andrew Hickey is the head of social media for Intrepid travel and He also helps develop blogger campaigns. Andrew discusses how bloggers can approach companies, create long term relationships, and get picked to work on campaigns with brands.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday is considered one of the premier marketers in the world and has worked with Tim Ferriss, Robert Greene, James Altucher, Tucker Max, as the head of marketing for American Apparel, and is the brains behind my book launch. He sits down to discuss mentors, product marketing, and stoicism.

Business Of Blogging

Interview with Jayson Gaignard

Jayson Gaingard went from being broke to running one of the most successful high-end conferences in the world. If it wasn’t for speaking at his Mastermind Talks, I wouldn’t have a lot of the success I’ve had today. He talks to us about risk, proper networking, and how to build relationships with influencers.

This course isn’t going to teach you how to travel for free. It’s not going to teach you how to get press trips and take sponsored content. Let the thousands of other bloggers out there fight for those scraps. There’s little money in it, and it’s not a long-term path to success.

What this course is going to teach you is how to run a travel business that lets you become financially independent, help others, and have more time for what you love. If you ever wanted to know how I’ve grown my empire, how to build a business, and how to create a travel blog that inspires, helps, and lasts, this business course is for you.

Learn to become a successful travel blogger that will stand the test of time and sweep past your competition.


For the one-time price of $349, you’ll get all of the above as well as lifetime access and support. This course is an investment in your blogging future that will help you leap beyond the competition and will give you MORE value for LESS money than any other program out there! Click the buy button below and start building your empire today:


(Want to pay in installments? No problem! You can $60 per month for 6 months instead of one lump payment! Click here for that payment option.)

This course is self-directed so you can go at the pace that is right for you and you’ll be able to reference all the content anytime you want. You’ll get access to lifetime updates so you’ll always be able to stay up to date and in the lead.

If you still want to learn more, head over to the course product page, see testimonials, find out more, and decide there!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is this course structured?
    This course is unit based. In the first two weeks, you will receive the first four units, case studies, webinars and interviews. After 15 days, each unit will be delivered once per week as meant to be a step by step program with one unit done per week. At the end of the program, you can go back and revisit any unit in any order you like.
  • Can I jump ahead?
    No. You get the majority of the course at once so you can start right away but each unit is meant to be worked on and focused on. If you are the type of person who wants to “skim the course” or “jump ahead”, this course is not right for you. I can tell you that after eight years of blogging, you simply can’t digest all this information in one short amount of time. Between all the lessons, tasks, webinars, and interviews, you’ll find the once a week structure helpful in avoiding being overwhelmed.
  • I don’t have a lot of time. Is this course right for me?
    This course is meant to be completed at your own pace. There’s no weekly time limit. Go as fast or slow as you want.
  • What if I get really confused?
    I’m here to help. You can email me as often you as you need to and I’ll help troubleshoot your problems. I want you to succeed not be confused.
  • I don’t have any blogging experience. Is this course for me?
    This course for people with no experience in mind. It takes you through all the steps and technical terms of blogging.
  • I already have some blogging experience. Is this book for me?
    Even those with experience will benefit from the advanced SEO tips, monetization strategies, and expert interviews. Experienced will get a lot out of the expert interviews, the detailed newsletter strategies, and marketing tips. You’ll definitely be able to expand your audience and grow your income.
  • I’ve never heard of these experts. How do I know the quality is good?
    The interviewees are leading blogging experts who together earn over $4 million per year. They are people I learn from and want you to learn from too. You can Google them if you don’t believe me.
  • How long is each expert interviews?
    Each interview is between 45 minute to one hour.
  • When do I get my free theme?
    Students can claim their free theme after the two week trial period is over.
  • If I don’t like the course, can I get a refund?
    Yes. I’m fully committed to helping you improve your blog and become a success. You can test drive the course for two weeks reading the material, listening to the webinars and interviews, and checking out the case studies. If you do the work and don’t feel the course is good or will improve your blog, I’ll happily refund 100% of your money.

    Important: To be eligible for a refund, you must complete all homework from all available units. You must take action in this program. If you do the work and don’t get value, I don’t deserve your money and I’ll cheerfully refund you 100% of your tuition. I’m strict about this because I’m looking for serious and committed students only. You have to do the work to get the refund as I want to maintain a very high standard of positivity, encouragement, and action-oriented learning.

The post NOW OPEN: The Ultimate Travel Blogging Course appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

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