Thursday 16 February 2017

Announcing My 2017 Group Tours!!

Last year, I took a break from running tours. There was a lot going on behind the scenes, too many friends got married, and a lot of personal things I had to deal with. But this year the Nomadic Matt tours are back –  and I’m doing FOUR tours! I’m pretty excited because we’re going to a bunch of new destinations!

These tours represent my style of travel: we stay in hostels, we use local transportation, avoid the super touristy stuff, and try to get under the skin of a city. I’ll show you how I travel and I will take you to all my favorite sights, restaurants, bars, and off-the-beaten-track attractions at each destination. I’ve spent considerable time in each location and know places you won’t find in any guidebook. We’ll also meet up with some of my local friends along the way (where they will probably try to embarrass me but hey, that’s part of the fun!!). I’ve been running these tours for years and have gotten into quite the groove with them! Each year gets better and better and, after taking a year off, I’m really excited to start doing them again!

I do small groups so we can have an intimate and friendly environment. So if you’re looking to travel with like-minded people, this tour is for you. People on my tours often become fast friends and remain in touch long after the trip ends. It’s true that these tours are more expensive than traveling solo, but you’ll get way more value out of these tours than you would if you tried to do all the included activities alone. I pack stuff in them because there’s always so much I want to show everyone!!

Below you’ll find more information about the tours and how to book them:

Note: Some of the below descriptions are vague on purpose. Part of the vagueness is because I want things to be a surprise. In each destination, I know a lot of cool bars, restaurants, comedy clubs, and funky attractions. We’re going to hit a lot of them. Where’s the fun in knowing everything beforehand? The other reason is because a lot will depend on how the group feels and the weather. You’ll just have to trust me! Additionally, you can see the FAQ for more information about the logistics.

Nomadic Matt’s Tour of New York City (NEW TOUR! Come explore my home with me!)

The Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan skyline at sunset, photo by Anthony Quintano (flickr: @quintanomedia)

  • Length: 6 days
  • Number of people: up to 12
  • Dates: May 8–13, 2017

Day 1

  • Arrival day (come when you please but if you arrive early, I’ll have some activities)
  • Welcome meeting and dinner (starts at 6:30pm)

Day 2

  • Morning food tour with Walks of New York
  • Lunch, if you’re still hungry (not included)
  • Visit to the High Line
  • Free afternoon to explore on your own (I’ll have a list of suggested attractions and activities)
  • Optional group dinner
  • Fun underground comedy event (shhh, it’s a surprise!)

Day 3

  • Trip to the famous Cloisters
  • Central Park picnic (weather permitting)
  • Explore nearby museums like the Met, Frick, or Natural History Museum (on your own)
  • Optional group dinner
  • Broadway show (sorry, not Hamilton!)

Day 4

  • Walking tour of Lower Manhattan and a visit to the 9/11 Museum
  • Free afternoon to explore your own (I’ll have a list of suggested places)
  • Prohibition bar crawl featuring my top bars in NYC (drinks not included)

Day 5

  • Free morning (sleep off your hangover!)
  • Optional lunch at my favorite Japanese place
  • Trip into Brooklyn (details TBD)
  • Sunset drinks on the Hudson River and final group dinner

Day 6

  • Morning breakfast at one of my favorite places in the city
  • Departure day (I’ll be hanging around for those staying, too)

Cost: $950 USD


Nomadic Matt’s Tour of Paris and Amsterdam

Statue near fountains at Versailles in Paris, photo by Carlos Reusser (flickr: @carlosreusser )

  • Length: 9 days
  • Number of people: up to 14
  • Dates: May 27–June 4, 2017

Day 1 – Amsterdam

  • Arrive in Amsterdam (come when you please, but if you arrive early I’ll have some activities)
  • Welcome meeting and group dinner (starts at 6:30pm)

Day 2 – Amsterdam

  • Breakfast at my favorite Dutch pancake spot
  • Historical walking tour of the city (led by me!)
  • Free time to explore (I’ll have suggestions or join me at some interesting places)
  • Optional group dinner and drinks

Day 3 – Amsterdam

  • Canal tour though the city
  • Picnic in Vondelpark
  • Free afternoon to explore Amsterdam on your own (or join me in exploring the city)
  • Optional group dinner

Day 4 – Amsterdam/Paris

  • Morning art tour in Amsterdam
  • Afternoon train to Paris
  • Included group dinner in Paris

Day 5 – Paris

  • Historical walking tour through Paris (led by me!)
  • Free afternoon to see the city’s museums on your own (I’ll have a list of suggestions)
  • Optional group dinner

Day 6 – Paris

  • Day trip to the epic Palace of Versailles (with a tour guide)
  • Optional group dinner

Day 7 – Paris

  • Morning food tour of the Paris markets with Context Travel
  • Afternoon free time to explore Paris on your own
  • Optional group dinner / night out

Day 8 – Paris

  • Explore Paris on your own (optional visit to the Catacombs of Paris and Père Lachaise Cemetery with me!)
  • Boat tour on the Seine
  • Final included group dinner

Day 9 – Paris

  • Departure day (though I’ll be around all day to hang out!)

Price: $1,600 USD


Nomadic Matt’s Tour of Austin, Texas (NEW TOUR! Explore my other home with me!)
the capitol building in austin, tx

  • Length: 5 days
  • Number of people: up to 12
  • Dates: June 21–25, 2017

Day 1

  • Arrival day (come when you please, but if you arrive early I’ll have some activities)
  • Welcome meeting and group dinner (starting at 6:30pm)

Day 2

  • Walking tour of the city by me
  • Trip to Zilker Park and Barton Springs for some outdoor fun and swimming
  • Beer tour of Austin
  • Two-step dance class (not by me! Ha!)
  •  Group dinner and night out in the city (food and drinks not included)

Day 3

  • Visit to the very unique Cathedral of Junk
  • Food tour (led by me): BBQ, tacos, food trucks, and more
  • Afternoon on Lady Bird Lake
  • Sunset by the water to see the bats
  • Optional group dinner
  • Night out to get a taste of the music scene Austin in known for

Day 4

  • Day trip to a ranch outside of Dallas to do “cowboy stuff” (My friend owns a ranch so we’re going to go up and see that side of Texas)
  • Final included group dinner

Day 5

  • Group goodbye breakfast at my hostel
  • Departure day (I’ll be around to hang out with, too)

Price: $700 USD


Nomadic Matt’s Tour of Vienna and Prague
Belvedere Palace in Vienna

  • Length: 9 days
  • Number of people: up to 14
  • Dates: September 30–October 8, 2017

Day 1 – Vienna

  • Arrival day (come when you please, but if you arrive early I’ll have some activities)
  • Welcome meeting and dinner (starting at 6:30pm)

Day 2 – Vienna

  • Historical walking tour of Vienna
  • Group lunch (not included)
  • Visit to Schönbrunn Castle and Gardens
  • Optional group dinner

Day 3 – Vienna

  • Free time to explore the city on your own (or come hang with me — we’ll explore the cafés, the Freud Museum, maybe hit some new attractions, or visit the art museums)
  • Optional group dinner (and maybe wild night out)

Day 4 – Vienna

  • Bike trip into the countryside to visit the local wineries
  • Optional group dinner at a heuriger (traditional eatery that’s like a mini-Oktoberfest)

Day 5 – Prague

  • Morning train to Prague
  • Historical walking tour of the city (led by me)
  • Group dinner at one of my favorite spots

Day 6 – Prague

  • Half-day trip to the famous Bone Church in Kutná Hora
  • Free afternoon to explore Prague on your own (I’ll have a list of possible suggestions for you)
  • Optional happy hour at my favorite wine bar, followed by dinner

Day 7 – Prague

  • Morning historical walking tour with Context Travel
  • Free afternoon to explore Prague on your own (or optional river walk to the castle ruins)
  • Optional group dinner

Day 8 – Prague

  • Free day to explore on your own or come explore with me. We’ll hit up an underground tour, visit a botanical garden, eat lunch, drink in the beer garden, and who knows what else! We’ll be playing it by ear based on the weather!
  • Final included group dinner

Day 9 – Prague

  • Group breakfast
  • Departure day (You can leave at anytime. For those staying the day, I’ll have some optional activities going on.)

Price: $1,550 USD


What’s included in all the tours?

  • All accommodations (NYC: HI-USA; Paris: Las Paulis; Amsterdam: St. Christopher; Austin: HK Austin; Prague: Miss Sophie’s; Vienna: Wombats)
  • Listed activities including admissions
  • Guided walking tours
  • Intercity transportation
  • Local city transportation when traveling as a group
  • Group meals listed above (except those listed as optional)
  • For the Paris/Amsterdam tour, a Paris Museum Pass
  • In NYC, you’ll get an unlimited ride subway pass

What’s not included in all tours?

  • Airfare
  • Applicable visa fees
  • Food outside the meals listed above
  • Optional activities
  • Alcohol
  • Souvenirs
  • Anything not listed


Will I have any time to myself?
Of course! I hate tours that book every minute of your day. While we will be busy, there will also be plenty of time for you to explore on your own! Travel is about adventure and discovery, so I emphasize that on my tours. I want you to break out of your comfort zone and see stuff that interests you specifically.

What am I going to do on my own?
After you’ve signed up for a tour, you’ll be sent a list of potential activities you can do on your own (or you can ask me for suggestions on the tour, too). You’ll always have things to do – and if you don’t want to go off and explore stuff on your own, you can always come around with me!

These tours seem to cost a lot. Why this price?
These aren’t backpacking trips, and tours always cost more than traveling solo. I make a big effort to pack a lot of activities and meals into these tours — I’ll take you to my favorite sights, restaurants, and bars — thus the price. Because I include so much, that drives the price of these tours up. If you want to do it cheaper, doing it solo is the way to go. However, I think the tours offer great value for your money. You will get a lot of bang for your buck!

Can I do a payment plan and pay in installments?
Yes, you can! We can work out something specific to your needs. Just send me an email at and we can talk. I’m flexible.

How many spots can I buy at once?
Reservations on the tour are limited to a maximum of 2 per person to ensure everyone gets a chance to go!

What kind of rooms are we staying in?
We will be staying in dorm rooms: males in one room, females in another. (If you are traveling as a couple, you can get a private room together for an additional cost.) Additionally, the hostels we are staying in will all have elevators.

What if I want a single room or a room with my friend/significant other?
That’s possible, but you’ll need to pay extra. Costs will vary depending on what you specifically want. Please email me.

Is airfare provided?
No, you’ll be responsible for your own airfare to and from the tour.

Will I need travel insurance?
Yes, all guests will be required to have travel insurance for the duration of the trip. I’ll be asking for proof before departure. If you don’t have it, you won’t be able to come.

Is there an age requirement?
You must be 18 years old or older. For the United States tours (NYC and Austin), you must be 21 years old or older.

Will I need to fill out any release forms? 
Yes, you’ll be required to fill out and sign a liability waiver releasing me and Nomadic Matt, Inc. from any and all liability related to the tour.

What about visas?
If you require a visa to enter any of these destinations, you’ll need to get that in advance at your own expense. We do not offer any help in this area.

What if I change my mind? What is your refund policy?
I’ll cry but understand. Plans change. The refund policy is as follows: if you cancel at least 90 days before departure, you’ll get 100% of your money back. If you cancel between 60-89 days before departure, you’ll receive a 50% refund. If you cancel between 30-59 days before departure, there’s a 25% refund. Cancellation less than 30 days before departure will result in a 0% refund.

Note: Since the NYC tour is so soon, you can cancel within 60 days for a full refund and 30 days for a 50% refund. Anything less than 30 days will result in a 0% refund. 

Is there a waiting list?
If the tour is full, don’t worry. People sometimes rush to secure the spot, but often don’t get the time off work and so many people cancel. Therefore, we have a waiting list, on a first-come, first-served basis. If the tour is full and you’re still interested, email me at and I will put you on the waiting list.

I still have questions. Can I contact you?
Of course! My email is

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The post Announcing My 2017 Group Tours!! appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.

from Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

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